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How to Discover your Personal Style in a Capitalist World That Tells You What to Like

Ever wonder how the fashion industry got to the state it’s in today? The short answer is capitalism. The long answer requires a quick history recap.

Before fashion corporations and shopping malls were established, there were neighborhood tailors. Clothes were designed specifically to fit one’s size and taste. It was not until the twentieth century that mass production was introduced to the fashion industry and neighborhood tailors grew into manufacturing businesses and then factories. Since capitalism is all about reaping the highest profits with the lowest costs, how were they going to apply that to something as diverse and personal as fashion? They put fashion houses in charge of taste, and from there, fashion trends emerged. Prior to that, clothing was heavily influenced by culture, and thus, differed according to the geographical location rather than the time era.

Don’t get me wrong there’s absolutely nothing wrong with fashion trends. I myself occasionally partake in them. My only issue with fashion trends is the assumption that you must blindly follow them. Fashion has no rules. In fact, fashion might be one of the only things in the world that has no rules. The only person your fashion choices should please is you.

Now that we’ve got that over with, how do you unlearn fashion trends? You have to understand that there is no such thing as “tacky” or “out of fashion” for these are simply myths created to make you buy more clothes that you don’t need. Not only that, but you’ve also got to change the way you perceive clothes. Instead of looking at a clothing item and thinking “pretty” or “ugly”, try to evaluate the potential it has. A very mediocre piece can be improved if paired with the right outfit, and an already pretty piece can be overshadowed if paired with an unsuitable outfit.

Since fast fashion shops only carry current fashion trends, you might find yourself wanting a certain style of clothing that you can’t find anywhere within your budget. Thrifting (or going through your parents’ old clothes) makes a wonderful and much more eco-friendly solution. I’d also recommend you pick up hand sewing and/or embroidery or even contact your own neighborhood tailor to help customize your clothes to fit your personal taste!

Unfortunately, I cannot spoon-feed you your personal style. That is something only you can decide for yourself, but I can (and will) try to guide the way. I want you to think about all the questions that run through your mind when you’re considering a clothing item. Then, I want you to push all of them aside. The only questions I want you to ask yourself are “do I want it?” and “does it bring me joy?” Just these two. I understand that you might face dress code limitations imposed by your parents or the society you live in; I know I do. Therefore, I try to pick items that I can pair with cardigans, jackets, tights, etc.

I hope I was able to pass the same happiness that clothes bring me onto you, and hopefully my tips help you pave the way to your personal style. Until next time!

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